Wednesday 31 July 2013

Music Memory Water

That moment you hear a specific song and it just feels like everything freezes for a few minutes.  Where you get transformed to a magical world where all is well with happy endings all around.  If only you could capture that moment and bottle it, save it for the really crappy times in life.  Just imagine, your own personal bottle of Music Memory...

The one you love just broke your heart?  That’s ok, just take a swig from the Music Memory bottle, (queue extremely soppy love song and BAM), you relive the first time you saw your first love, and this new heart ache is gone in an instant.

I guess it could work for recovering addicts as well...

Feel like taking just one last hit?  That’s ok, just take a swig from the Music Memory bottle, (queue crazy head jerking trippy trance song and BAM), you relive that first terrible OD and all your family around your hospital bed crying and freaking out, and the craving is gone.

I guess everyone’s bottle size would differ as well.  I’d probably have to buy a truck to get my Music Memory water from one point to the next, lol...

What’s the very first Music Memory you have?

Xx 71

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