Tuesday 30 July 2013

Life... and that's the way the cookie crumbles...

So here we are, at the start of a new lifetime. Man, ever notice how people just tend to waste their second chances? I realized it the other day, my friend mentioned I was lucky, cause I always seemed to get more than enough second chances. It got me to thinking, and it forced me to admit that it was true, and also, that I seldom even tried to make a success of anything I do. I've always gotten by pretty easily, and got good results for doing half of what was necessary.
I started watching my other friends closely, and saw what a struggle it was for them to make it day by day, working themselves into a stupor, and still finding strength to do more than what was expected. At first I thought I felt a twang of guilt, but dwelling on that feeling made me realize that it was, in fact, admiration.
I admired them for not giving up, and pushing through, no matter how hard or even impossible the task at hand seemed to be.
I’m not saying I've had it easy all my life, it just felt like I've never had to give a 100%. Why was that? Maybe because I never took any pride in anything I ever did. I thought about my nephew, and the pride that he beams with if he accomplishes something, whether it be a sandcastle, helping his mom or even just coloring inside the lines.
I decided that maybe it was time to find something I love doing, and then give it my all, and I know now that I will never again waste a second chance, and I know they always say:
"That’s the way the cookie crumbles!"
(but maybe sometimes, we get to break it the way we want!)

Xx 71

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