Wednesday 31 July 2013

Music Memory Water

That moment you hear a specific song and it just feels like everything freezes for a few minutes.  Where you get transformed to a magical world where all is well with happy endings all around.  If only you could capture that moment and bottle it, save it for the really crappy times in life.  Just imagine, your own personal bottle of Music Memory...

The one you love just broke your heart?  That’s ok, just take a swig from the Music Memory bottle, (queue extremely soppy love song and BAM), you relive the first time you saw your first love, and this new heart ache is gone in an instant.

I guess it could work for recovering addicts as well...

Feel like taking just one last hit?  That’s ok, just take a swig from the Music Memory bottle, (queue crazy head jerking trippy trance song and BAM), you relive that first terrible OD and all your family around your hospital bed crying and freaking out, and the craving is gone.

I guess everyone’s bottle size would differ as well.  I’d probably have to buy a truck to get my Music Memory water from one point to the next, lol...

What’s the very first Music Memory you have?

Xx 71

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Am I the only one...?

OK, time to bitch and moan...  

For cereal,  WHO is the idiot that came up with the question:

Let's break this mo'fo down real quick.  We are living on a planet currently inhabited by approximately 7 billion people.  And you want to know whether you are alone in your opinion upon some random thing.

So let me do you a favor and answer your life changing, soul searching question.  

No, you are not the only one who:

  • hates stepping in a random wet spot when wearing socks,
  • hates discovering that the damn take away place got your order wrong again,
  • hates the asshole that double parked at a shopping center during the busiest time frame of the year,
  • hates that you have to go through a gazillion bad quality illegal uploads to get a good one because your broke ass can't afford to buy the legal DVD/album.

Now, this list can continue for all eternity, but I'm guessing:

So I'll just wrap this bitch up by asking one question:

"Am I the only one who is sick and tired of hearing people ask, AM I THE ONLY ONE?"

Xx 71

yesterdays long gone (part 3)

The look in your eyes,
Tell me it's the last goodbye,
But I can't see too clear,
With all the smoke passing by,

As I sit back and wonder,
Bout mistakes we have made,
I watch this whole story,
Go up in flames,

I slip on your words,
As they fall by my feet,
You're ripping out my heart,
Yet you're looking so sweet,

Burnt to black ashes,
This passion we had,
A kiss of bitter hate,
Aint really half bad,

So kiss me again,
Like the night before,
With a knife in my back,
Let's end this war...

Yesterdays long gone part 2

You broke down my walls,
To get to my heart,
You made me fall,
Just to tear me apart,
My mind goes numb,
As I remember your eyes,
And how you made me believe,
The most beautiful lies,
I wish we could share,
Just one sleepless night,
But I guess that won't work,
With her on your mind,
And what hurts even more,
Than not being in your midst,
Is the fact that she,
Will never find out I exist,
So take me back to your yesterdays,
To before she made you smile,
To the very first time I saw your face,
To a time I could still call you mine...

faintly familliar

i feel the rush of your lips on my back
as our souls collide in fear,
it's all a new sensation
can you remind me how we got here?
i remember your name from somewhere
as i look into your eyes,
i find it all so hard to believe
how did i get caught up in your smile?
i feel a familliar touch
as your hand slides down my face,
i remember the feeling
so soft, and full of grace.
i know that i need you
but i wish that you would go,
will you give me all the answers
of everything i need to know?
it's strange yet passionate
how you connect with my soul,
but i can already feel you slipping
do you really have to go?
i know what happened yesterday
that we fell in love before,
but lust can't last forever i realise
when you leave me empty, hungering for more...

Life... and that's the way the cookie crumbles...

So here we are, at the start of a new lifetime. Man, ever notice how people just tend to waste their second chances? I realized it the other day, my friend mentioned I was lucky, cause I always seemed to get more than enough second chances. It got me to thinking, and it forced me to admit that it was true, and also, that I seldom even tried to make a success of anything I do. I've always gotten by pretty easily, and got good results for doing half of what was necessary.
I started watching my other friends closely, and saw what a struggle it was for them to make it day by day, working themselves into a stupor, and still finding strength to do more than what was expected. At first I thought I felt a twang of guilt, but dwelling on that feeling made me realize that it was, in fact, admiration.
I admired them for not giving up, and pushing through, no matter how hard or even impossible the task at hand seemed to be.
I’m not saying I've had it easy all my life, it just felt like I've never had to give a 100%. Why was that? Maybe because I never took any pride in anything I ever did. I thought about my nephew, and the pride that he beams with if he accomplishes something, whether it be a sandcastle, helping his mom or even just coloring inside the lines.
I decided that maybe it was time to find something I love doing, and then give it my all, and I know now that I will never again waste a second chance, and I know they always say:
"That’s the way the cookie crumbles!"
(but maybe sometimes, we get to break it the way we want!)

Xx 71